Ambassador Program

Become a Father Christmas Cup Ambassador
If you are a friend of The Father Christmas Cup and want to volunteer to help make the event the success that it is each year, then consider becoming a Father Christmas Cup Ambassador.
As an FXC Ambassador, your role would be to help raise awareness of the event and encourage family, friends and new sponsors to consider donating and supporting our fundraising efforts.
Remember it’s a grassroots effort and everything you can do to help us is massively important to our overall success.
As an FX Cup Ambassador, you’ll be given an FX Cup Sign Off for your email to use when soliciting for support along with any other materials you may need.
We appreciate the support!
Corporate Sponsorship questions contact
Raffle If you know of anyone who might have a great raffle prize contact Patricia Cronin. We have both a kid’s raffle and an adult raffle
Media Ellen Peacock is our media contact, Ellen also runs our social media campaign and welcomes all likes, posts, snapchats, tweets and re-tweets.